App.Net Comments Widget on WordPress
I noticed that most of the good discussion I was having about blog posts were on App.net. Turns out, many other people feel the same way, and there’s even an official App.net comments widget!
I’ve been testing a WordPress plugin to replace the default WordPress comments with ADN comments on this site for quite a while, so I decided to publish it in the WordPress Plugin Directory. Just search for “ADN Comments”, and it should be the first result.
Installing this plugin will completely replace WordPress comments. You won’t even be able to see them from the admin dashboard – the data is still there, but just hidden. If you don’t like ADN Comments, just disable the plugin and all your old comments will reappear.
If you’d like to display your username as the default “reply-to” username, please set your App.net username in the “Contact Info” section of your profile.
Source code is available under the GPLv2 (or later) license. Code contributions, bug reports, etc, are welcome at the GitHub repository.