AWS English

Hosting a Single Page Application with an API with CloudFront and S3

I’ve written about how to host a single page application (SPA) on AWS using CloudFront and S3 before, using the CloudFront “rewrite not found errors as a 200 response with index.html” trick.

Recently, working on a few serverless apps, I’ve realized that this trick, while quick, isn’t perfect. The specific case where it broke down was when the API is configured as a behavior on CloudFront (I usually scope the API to /api on the same domain as the frontend, so CORS and OPTIONS requests aren’t necessary). If the API returned a 404 Not Found response, CloudFront would rewrite it to 200 OK index.html, and the front-end application would get confused. Unfortunately, CloudFront doesn’t support customized error responses per behavior, so the only way to fix this was to use Lambda@Edge instead.

Here’s the code for the Lambda function:

'use strict'

const path = require('path')

exports.handler = (evt, context, cb) => {
  const { request } = evt.Records[0].cf

  const uriParts = request.uri.split("/")

  if (
    // Root resource with a file extension.
      uriParts.length === 2 && path.extname(uriParts[1]) !== ""
    ) ||
    // Anything inside the "static" directory.
    uriParts[1] === "static"
  ) {
    // serve the original request to S3
  } else {
    // change the request to index.html
    request.uri = '/index.html'

  cb(null, request)

This code assumes all requests to a root request with a file extension, or anything in the /static/ directory is a static file that should be served from S3. All other requests will be rewritten to index.html. These are the defaults for create-react-app, but you’ll probably need to change them to meet your requirements. (Remember, Lambda@Edge functions need to be created in us-east-1)

Attach this Lambda function to the CloudFront behavior responsible for serving from the S3 origin as origin-request, and you should be good to go. Don’t forget to remove the 404-to-200 rewrite.

4 replies on “Hosting a Single Page Application with an API with CloudFront and S3”

Hmm, I’ll have to look into this, as I didn’t run into this issue when building with that basic model in early 2018 (without Edge I thought).
I’ve also got Cloudflare in front of CloudFront. Slightly overkill, but oh well. Haven’t had to update the app at all since launching it. Praise #serverless !

Good point. Yes, that would work as well. In my specific case, the origin-request method is preferable because it makes 404s explicit (for example, a request to old static resources won’t be rewritten to index.html, etc). Thanks 🙂

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