
A Quick Update

This year, I really wanted to work on my output, and I think I’m doing pretty well. Here are some things that I’ve been publishing:

However, updates on this personal blog has been not so great – the previous post is the “2023 review” post, after all.

I’ve been updating this blog from 2012, when we officially incorporated Flagship. I have since left Flagship, but it has a special place in my heart as it was where I learned how to bridge between programming and delivering results.

Since the launch of this blog in 2012, it was powered by WordPress. We used a lot of WP at Flagship in the beginning, and it made sense to have a playground where I could experiment before implementing on other sites. After leaving Flagship, I’ve migrated to a few different hosts and methods of hosting WP, but that ends today.

This blog is now completely statically generated. I’m using hugo for its speed and customizablity, and migrating all the posts was pretty easy.

It’s been ten or so years since I did any professional WP work, and I haven’t written a line of PHP since then either. It just doesn’t make sense to continue self-hosting something that I don’t want to work on. I briefly considered looking for a hosted solution, but honestly, I’m a little tired of WP.

Anyways, that’s it for now. I hope to get a couple more posts out by the end of the year.

Have a good day!