Podcasts I'm Listening To (November 2015 Edition)

My wife Naoko wrote a reply to this post. It was fun comparing how different the podcasts we listen to are. :)

First, I’d like to plug a podcast that I’m a semi-regular guest on, techsTalking(5417), a podcast where technology people just talk about whatever is on our mind.

Here are some other podcasts that I’m currently subscribed to:

  • The Incomparable -- a podcast about anything geeky. Star Wars? Check. Star Trek? Check. Silly drafts? Check. Crazy movies? Check.
  • The Incomparable Game Show -- born from The Incomparable proper, regular panelists play crazy games for your entertainment. On the podcast.
  • Incomparable Radio Theater -- The Incomparable podcast, once upon a time, liked to do funny things on April Fools. Like, say: release a full-length episode in the format of old-time radio drama. Including equally funny sponsors (some fake, some real). Now, they’ve spun it off in to a separate podcast.
  • Random Trek -- Incomparable regular Scott McNulty hosts a podcast with non-random guests talking about random episodes of Star Trek.
  • Robot or Not? -- Is it a robot? Or not?
  • Astronomy Cast -- A weekly “facts-based journey through the cosmos”.
  • Reconcilable Differences -- Two of my favorite podcasters, John Siracusa and Merlin Mann, get together on one podcast.

A few other podcasts I listen to occasionally:

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Fighting Against Internet Explorer, Part 2

I’ve been making a Facebook iframe app recently, and I found that this little code »


just doesn’t work on Everyone’s Favorite Browser™ (Internet Explorer 8).


always returned “0” for me. So I had to end up using .find('img') instead.

I hate WordPress


is NOT correct!!!


(This only applies if you’re outside of UTC. What’s that, like 99% of the world?)

Fighting against IE, part 1.

a:focus {
    outline: 0;

Now, back to real work.

The Origins of Twitter

The origins of Twitter.

  1. Here you go, free service!
  2. Wow, thanks for all those users!
  3. Look, you were great, but we don’t (really…) need you anymore.
  4. Fuck you.

In related news, if you haven’t heard about it yet: Twitter API v1.1

Font Smoothing

This is what text (more or less) looks like in Windows! Just do:

```css \* { -webkit-font-smoothing: none; } ```

To enable Windows Emulation mode. Great stuff.

There’s a few resources about -webkit-font-smoothing in English, but I was wondering what it would look like in Japanese. Here we go.


おはようございます。僕の名前は敬太郎です。東京にうまれ、アメリカのメイン州育ちです。大学は国際基督教大学、3年間の後で退学しました。今は、東京武蔵野市の吉祥寺に住んでて、Flagship LLCでエンジニア・プログラマーとして働いています。よろしくお願いします。

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Flagship LLC

As many of you are aware, I have been working for about 6 months now, with 2 other people.

On July 4th, we are pleased to announce that we have officially become a company, Flagship LLC. We have some pretty cool projects lined up in the near future, I’ll be posting updates on our released projects (and maybe if you’re lucky, bits and pieces of unreleased projects) here!

Our goal as a company is multi-fold, but I feel that the most important facet of Flagship is to bring modern web development and standards to Japan. In a country where Japanese translations of English reference material is prominent, especially in technology, we strive to be the flagship of truly born-in-Japan material.

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