
WordPress on AWS Lambda (EFS Edition)

I previously wrote a post about running WordPress on AWS Lambda, but it was before EFS support was announced (EFS is a managed network file system AWS provides). Being able to use EFS completely changes the way WordPress works in Lambda (for the better!), so I felt it warranted a new blog post.

In addition, this time I’m using Terraform instead of SAM. This matches the existing infrastructure-as-code setup I use when I deploy infrastructure for clients. Here’s the Terraform module ( source code).

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Making a (proper) WordPress Theme

One of the things that I’ve built regularly are custom WordPress themes for clients. Let me clarify – a custom theme for each client. One theme per client.

So, I decided to try my hand at making a “proper” WordPress theme – a theme for regular users. And I submitted it to the WordPress themes gallery. Successfully!

[caption id=“attachment_304” align=“aligncenter” width=“640”] wp386 - my first public WordPress theme! wp386 - my first public WordPress theme![/caption]

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Too long? tl;dr.

Situation: You’re migrating a big site to WordPress. You don’t want to make 1,000+ posts manually, do you?

Meet Ruby/WordPress. I’ve made a quick little Ruby gem that interfaces with your WordPress database, so you can manipulate it within Ruby. This opens up a whole world of possibilites - the most exciting being Nokogiri, of course.

Here’s a quick code sample that will create 100 new posts!

require 'wordpress'

# Configuration
wp = { host: '',
                     port: 3306,
                     username: 'test',
                     password: 'test',
                     encoding: 'utf8',
                     database: 'wordpress',
                     wordpress_prefix: 'wp_' }

(1..100).each do |i|
  post = wp.new_post { post_name: "post-#{i}",
                       post_status: 'publish',
                       post_title: "Post #{i}" }
  post.post_content = "This is the content for post #{i}"!

Note that the configuration must point to a valid WordPress database (and make sure you don’t use one with valuable data… I don’t take responsibility for any lost data. You should be backing up anyways.)

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