
A Quick Update

This year, I really wanted to work on my output, and I think I’m doing pretty well. Here are some things that I’ve been publishing: Regular monthly blog posts on A few posts this year on the Geolonia blog for work However, updates on this personal blog has been not so great – the previous post is the “2023 review” post, after all. I’ve been updating this blog from 2012, when we officially incorporated Flagship.

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My Brief Thoughts on the AWS Kinesis Outage

There have been multiple analyses about the recent (2020/11/25) outage of AWS Kinesis and its cascading failure mode, taking a chunk of AWS services with it – including seemingly unrelated Cognito – due to dependencies hidden to the user. If you haven’t read the official postmortem statement by AWS yet, go read it now. There are an infinite amount of arguments that can made about cascading failure; I’m not here to talk about that today.

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Venturing in to the realm of Hackintosh-ing

Like you, I’ve been finding myself working from home more often than not. These days, I probably go to an office once a month. I have a 16 inch MacBook Pro, but using it in clamshell mode, all the time, connected to a 4K monitor was… not ideal. It would often thermally throttle way down (often, it would be really sluggish – I wondered, how fast is this running? 800MHz. 90C.

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このブログは、WordPress のカテゴリーを使って言語を分けています。 私自身は英語ネイティブなのでデフォルトの言語は英語に設定しております

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WordPress を AWS Lambda で運用する

以前 WordPress を AWS Lambda で 運用する 記事を投稿 (英語) しましたが、 EFS対応前 に執筆しました。EFS を使える様になって、WordPress を AWS Lambda 内の実行環

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WordPress on AWS Lambda (EFS Edition)

I previously wrote a post about running WordPress on AWS Lambda, but it was before EFS support was announced (EFS is a managed network file system AWS provides). Being able to use EFS completely changes the way WordPress works in Lambda (for the better!), so I felt it warranted a new blog post. In addition, this time I’m using Terraform instead of SAM. This matches the existing infrastructure-as-code setup I use when I deploy infrastructure for clients.

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Habits I'll be keeping after COVID-19

During the COVID-19 pandemic, schools and daycares have been closed, so my family decided to use this as an opportunity to make some habits to make sure we can get through this period with minimal interruptions to life and work. Here are some habits that have worked so well for us that we’re planning on keeping them, even after the kids go back to school / daycare. Keeping a schedule We use a schedule to make sure the time we eat, sleep, and do activities are at regular times every day.

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Rails on AWS: Do you need nginx between Puma and ALB?

When I set up Rails on AWS, I usually use the following pattern: (CloudFront) → ALB → Puma I was wondering: Is it always necessary to put nginx between the ALB and Puma server? My theory behind not using nginx is that because it has its own queue (while the Classic Load Balancer had a very limited “surge queue”, the ALB does not have such a queue), it will help in getting responses back to the user (trading for increased latency) while hindering metrics used for autoscaling and choosing what backend to route the request to (such as Rejected Connection Count).

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私は料理が好きです。特にパンを焼くのが好きで、この間初めて Cookpad に公開したのは フォカッチャのレシピ でした。フリーランスでシステム開発をしているエ

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A quick shortcut to open a Ruby gem in VS Code

While working on a Ruby project, I often find myself referring to the code of various libraries when it’s easier than looking up the documentation. For this, I used to use code (bundle show GEM_NAME), but recently I’ve been getting this warning: [DEPRECATED] use `bundle info $GEM_NAME` instead of `bundle show $GEM_NAME` Okay, that’s fine, but bundle info returns a bunch of stuff that would confuse VS Code: > bundle info devise * devise (4.

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How I use Git

I’ve been using Git at work for around 10 years now. I started using Git with a GUI ( Tower -- back when I was eligible for the student discount!), but now I use the CLI for everything except complicated diffs and merges, where I use Kaleidoscope. A question I get asked by my coworkers often is: “how in the world do you manage using Git without a GUI?”. This blog post is supposed to answer this question.

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