
WordPress on AWS Lambda (EFS Edition)

I previously wrote a post about running WordPress on AWS Lambda, but it was before EFS support was announced (EFS is a managed network file system AWS provides). Being able to use EFS completely changes the way WordPress works in Lambda (for the better!), so I felt it warranted a new blog post.

In addition, this time I’m using Terraform instead of SAM. This matches the existing infrastructure-as-code setup I use when I deploy infrastructure for clients. Here’s the Terraform module ( source code).

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Serverless WordPress on AWS Lambda

Update 2020/07/29: AWS recently announced EFS support for Lambda, which makes running WordPress in Lambda easier, with fewer limitations. Here’s the new article about how to run WordPress in Lambda using EFS.

There are a few ways to run WordPress “serverless” on AWS. I’m going to talk about running WordPress on Lambda for this article. If you’re interested in how you can run WordPress serverless-ly on Fargate, I’m working on a post about that too.

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App.Net Comments Widget on WordPress

I noticed that most of the good discussion I was having about blog posts were on Turns out, many other people feel the same way, and there’s even an official comments widget!

I’ve been testing a WordPress plugin to replace the default WordPress comments with ADN comments on this site for quite a while, so I decided to publish it in the WordPress Plugin Directory. Just search for “ADN Comments”, and it should be the first result.

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WordPress Meetup Tokyo -- WordPress Server Optimization

I recently gave a quick talk about how I use Nginx, HHVM, MariaDB with WordPress on this blog at the March WordPress Meetup in Tokyo. Here are the slides:

I’ve published a Vagrant template for the setup detailed in the slides.



In my quest for faster response times and page load speed, I’ve been playing around with Google’s SPDY. I finally got around to getting a SSL certificate for this website and installing the latest version of the SPDY module for Nginx.

WordPress, alone, doesn’t really support SSL on all pages out of the box – here are some extra things you probably want to implement.

  1. Redirect all non-HTTPS traffic to the HTTPS server. For example, this is what I use:

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WordPress on Nginx, HHVM, and MariaDB

Update 2014/4/24: I’ve updated the template to work with the latest HHVM 3.0+, and also squished some bugs.

I’ve been talking quite a bit about WordPress on HHVM recently, and it’s gotten a bit of attention, so I decided to open-source my Vagrant setup for running WordPress on HHVM.

I originally made this Vagrant setup to test HHVM on my local machine before deploying updates to the theme, plugins, etc.

Have fun, and please ping me if you have any problems!

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HHVM and WordPress

Update 2014/4/17: This site now runs WordPress 3.9, which seems to be working fine with HHVM. Also, compatibility has improved, thanks to a patch in the WordPress core specifically for HHVM.

I recently posted about how I switched out PHP-FPM (PHP’s FastCGI pool) for HHVM. Today I’ll be talking more about the install process on the server, and using it to set up WordPress.

What is HHVM?

This is usually what happens in a (successful) startup[footnote]Twitter is (in)famous for its use of Ruby on Rails, which eventually had to be re-written in Scala, a language that runs on the JVM.[/footnote]:

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wp_enqueue your scripts and styles.

The ease of making a WordPress theme is both a blessing and a curse. It allows people to get started with programming relatively easy – most hosting providers have PHP / MySQL, and the majority have a WordPress quick-install. However, this easiness comes with a dangerous pitfall – it’s easy to do the wrong thing. The classic example of this is query_posts (hint: never use it).

Today, I’ll talk about wp_enqueue_script and wp_enqueue_style. If you have ever made a plugin that requires additional stylesheets or scripts in the front-end, you know exactly what this is (and why it’s important).

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Turbolinks and WordPress

Rails Turbolinks is pretty cool, right? I thought it would be pretty cool to use it on WordPress, too.

There are probably a lot of bugs, and it probably doesn’t work well with JavaScript-heavy sites. I’ve included the jQuery compatibility layer, but it’s still not perfect. Use at your own risk.

To install, just search the WordPress plugin repository for “turbolinks”


Or, available for download here: Contributors welcome!!!

WordPress 3.7: Automatic Updates

WordPress 3.7 Update Screen

WordPress 3.7 was just released.

Although there are quite a few features in this release, I want to talk about what I feel is the most important feature: automatic updates.

It’s a fairly simple - when a new version of WordPress is released, your installation will be updated (almost) immediately. As of 3.7, these automatic updates are limited to minor maintenance releases to make sure they won’t break your theme or plugin.

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Vagrant, WordPress, and Theme Development

I’ve been playing around with Vagrant recently. It really is a great tool for setting up development environments quickly and cleanly - no more local MySQL databases with 100 separate databases!

There are a few ways to solve this problem that many WordPress developers have:

  1. Use WordPress Multisite mode.
  2. Regularly clean your databases up and delete old ones.
  3. Use a common WordPress install, switching themes.
  4. Use Vagrant.

I’m going to be talking about the last option, Vagrant, in this blog post. I’ll list out a few reasons why Vagrant was attractive to me in the first place:

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